
Hey Readers! Welcome to Thismightbeweirdforyou.bloggspot.com *Gasp*! If you wondering why this site has an obnoxiously long name it's for two reasons 1.) I have always wanted a blog with that sort of name and B.) Well This might be weird for you you! I have a tendincy to be crazy but I've been thinking of telling less of my self and more stories because I'm a novice writer. So when you leave come back for more because some of them aren't that bad. I do hope you enjoy all of it.
Fair ye well!

Thursday, June 26, 2008

Today's date: Already to late
you're reading my blog and welcome! : )

Clap Clap bonk! Clap Clap Bonk! Clap Clap Oww!

From Jim the Grim


Laurel said...

Hey Alex!
Fnudge here.
Luv your clap clap oww post along with the book thingamaderd one!
I'm proud to be a weirdo! :oD

Beth said...

Hi, Alex, this is Fmax! Love your blog! We're clap, clap, bonking here too!