
Hey Readers! Welcome to Thismightbeweirdforyou.bloggspot.com *Gasp*! If you wondering why this site has an obnoxiously long name it's for two reasons 1.) I have always wanted a blog with that sort of name and B.) Well This might be weird for you you! I have a tendincy to be crazy but I've been thinking of telling less of my self and more stories because I'm a novice writer. So when you leave come back for more because some of them aren't that bad. I do hope you enjoy all of it.
Fair ye well!

Monday, June 30, 2008

I'm board! and Birds!

Today's Date: Already to late.
Your reading my blog and welcome!
Yo I'm kinda of board so I thought if I made you board I might feel better-AAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!!!-Where did that come from? Any who, I found some baby birds in my back yard. Maybe I can open a zoo. You know I got bears and Monty piton rabbits ( Just kidding!But I do have a rabbit holes) baby birds and a dog but the dog is mine :) But back to the baby birds, they are so cute! (Don't tell any one I said that.) They don't even have feathers yet! I found them because the Mother was fighting this bird and I swear the bear was back! I'll tell you more as the story develops!
Proud to be weird!


Gandalf said...

Knock Knock!!! Yo Fnudge ya there. Open up!! Knock, Knock!!!

Eysiel said...

All riiiiight!!
I'm comin!
Come on in.
Tee Hee!
Yeah sorry I aint been commentin on ur blog!
I felt like messing the spelling up on this 1!

Fnudge :oD