Today's: date already to late
You're reading my blog and welcome
Once more I apologize for the lateness of my post. I've been a traveler for the past few weeks. In that time I've been the WildWood,Shacwa saw the Wizard of the Wood and I'm now in VBS.
But first Wildwood: Yes It is a real place. It's the woods that border your hopes and dreams, where there is no order and anything is possible...Naw It's DEEP in NJ wwhhhhiiccchhh makes no deference. Not like there is any order there any way. Anyway the shore was amazing utterly awesome. Although there were at least one romantic couple which tormented me...
*dramatic music*
Books books I'm talking about books. Writing is blocked on that subject. Euoght about that, a little down the beach the where 3 theme parks that where awesome. There was a ride that basically the Scrambler with out bealts...150 ft of the air. And that was just one, there were many more.
We also went to this really awesome Ice Cream place. the boths where the ether the front or the backs of 50's cars. And on the walls the are pics of things that were popular in the 50's like Vttbots. Yeah there where giant pics of the Cap and the Admiral. and the best part was the fact that the entire Star Trek cast singed a pic of them! I touched SPOCK'S PEN!!!!!That all that happened in WW nnnnnnooooooowwwwww
For Camp I dont have much to tell on that. It was ether Really Fun or Not. We were divided into 2 ummmm things the guys we sleep with and the people that we did activates with.I really liked the people that did the acticatltys with but not the other.I am glad to be homme.
It's really late here so the Wiz of the wood will have to what till next time so
see ya
I've ernded my CCP Certified crazy person...Thrall And I have a Lot or strange times
WarChief Illaden Madfire ,CCP
DUUUUUDE! Good to see you blogging again! :D
*stares at third paragraph in awe* Y-Y-Y-You touched SPOCK'S PEN?!?? AND SAW PICS OF CRANE AND ADMIRAL NELSON?!??!???? *cries and complains about the world being unfair*
lol I love how you have a comments box totally dedicated to my blog, I feel so special... ;D
No, there is no order in New Jersey. There is REALLY no order in New Jersey.
Wow, I was in Wildwood 4 weeks ago... it was awesome!
Anyway I went to a double feature of Transformers and Star Trek at a drive-in theater last week, but a massive fog moved in and I couldn't see the picture for most of Star Trek :(.... it was also 2:30 in the morning making listening to the grand plot rather difficult
PICK UP YOUR PHONE OR RETURN A FEW MISSED CALLS! You're coming on Tuesday right? 9:30AM at the Behe's, you will need a ride home around 10pm
Oh and Alex, do you an AIM account? If so you can comment on Beth's blog through OpenID and AIM
CCP lol xD no doubt, I bet you did LOL
Good to see you again Cruz.I hope youer not leveing again my good lass
And Kyle I thought of that and it STILL won't work. Any thoughts?
Beth is secretly blocking your comments and won't admit it
I dint know that was posable with blogger...can you tell me how to do it?! Just kidding Beth
'Ello guv'nor!
LOL :) Okay okay, I was watching My Fair Lady lately! LOL!
My friend would love your Spock picture LOL!
We saw a preview of the Star Trek movie and I'd look to my right and see her staring at the movie, her eyes and mouth open wide with a big smile on her face.
Then I'd turn to my left and my other friend hates Star Trek, she was slumped down in her seat and fell asleep at one stage.
They were wondering what I was laughing at throughout the movie 'cause they could feel me shaking with laughter throughout the whole movie LOL!
Then the first friend I mentioned screamed at the bit with the hand coming out of the water in the new Harry Potter movie and scared everyone in the cinema!!! I think I might do a post about that now LOL!
Wow! Long comment LOL!
Fly on forever!
The Girl Who Could Fly
Gandalf must produce more blog posts.... and yes comment moderation and filtering is possible on blogger, I've used it in the past :)
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