
Hey Readers! Welcome to Thismightbeweirdforyou.bloggspot.com *Gasp*! If you wondering why this site has an obnoxiously long name it's for two reasons 1.) I have always wanted a blog with that sort of name and B.) Well This might be weird for you you! I have a tendincy to be crazy but I've been thinking of telling less of my self and more stories because I'm a novice writer. So when you leave come back for more because some of them aren't that bad. I do hope you enjoy all of it.
Fair ye well!

Monday, July 7, 2008

Today's date: Already to late.
Your reading my blog and welcome!

This is a little weird but a little weird never killed any one! Don't look at me like that I still say I did not kill that person I just stole his steak! Anyway just look at this if your not already. Don't pay attention to the wizard dragon and read about my day. I'm sad. :( The birds are gone. They were so cute too. In other news ( I have a lot going on so I cant stay on one thing for to long.) I joined VBS at the park and I'm soooo tired! I have to wake up at 7:00 and then spend 5 hours unsuccessfully proving that the lovely dragon you see above is real. Now out of all the things I can be doing I'm telling you this. But great news!!!! I saw a dragon!!!! A long time a go at my aunts house in MA., I didn't think of it till now because I just read about him. I saw him, It was a Cockatrice, in the window and he ran away. It was AWESOME!!!!!!!!!!!!! You most likely don't believe me but I know what I saw. Till I read about it I thought it was my mind so I did not say anything.



Beth said...

YEAH! DRAGONS ROCK! We are soooo gonna prove they exist.

The birds are gone? So sad! Hey, two nights ago I saved a baby bunny from our cat, Java, and it was soooo cute!

I keep forgetting to send you my email address. NOTE TO SELF: take care of that today.

Well, I can't think of any more amazingly witty things to say, so, TTFN!


Eysiel said...

I do believe you saw a dragon, cuz they exist. I'M POSITIVE!!!!
SO SAD THE BABY BIRDS ARE GONE. I bet they were cute.

Fnudge :oD