
Hey Readers! Welcome to Thismightbeweirdforyou.bloggspot.com *Gasp*! If you wondering why this site has an obnoxiously long name it's for two reasons 1.) I have always wanted a blog with that sort of name and B.) Well This might be weird for you you! I have a tendincy to be crazy but I've been thinking of telling less of my self and more stories because I'm a novice writer. So when you leave come back for more because some of them aren't that bad. I do hope you enjoy all of it.
Fair ye well!

Thursday, July 24, 2008

Today's date: Already to late
You're reading my blog and welcome!
I'm working on a new song and its going to be great!


Eysiel said...

OOOOH! New song? Great! Awsome! Kool! BUBBLY NEPTUNE BONKERS!
I finally get the todays date already to late thing! FANG'S BLOOOOOG! Checked it out today!

Fnudge :oD

Gandalf said...

I was whating for u to chech on!

Beth said...

i am on season two of the a-team already. yaaaay! loved the episode where murdock dresses up in the wedding dress . . .

Beth said...

lord of the rings a-team? i just watched it, and i was laughing so hard i could barely breathe! rebecca kept telling me to shut up. whoever created that video is a GENIUS!

i knew gimli would end up being b.a. baracus!