
Hey Readers! Welcome to Thismightbeweirdforyou.bloggspot.com *Gasp*! If you wondering why this site has an obnoxiously long name it's for two reasons 1.) I have always wanted a blog with that sort of name and B.) Well This might be weird for you you! I have a tendincy to be crazy but I've been thinking of telling less of my self and more stories because I'm a novice writer. So when you leave come back for more because some of them aren't that bad. I do hope you enjoy all of it.
Fair ye well!

Sunday, June 29, 2008

Today's date: Already to late.
Your reading my blog and welcome!

Hi! Its me! I just got home from my grandfathers birthday party. Happy birthday
Pop! It was in NY. at this fancy restaurant. It was so cool! : )
Okay, T.T.F.N!


Eysiel said...

Happy birthday!
Hey Fnick!
Sorry, I didn't put your link in today. I need my mom's help and I might have to wait a few days. I truly apologize.
I'm starting to give people names when I talk about them on my blog cuz it's bad to use any real ones.
Fnudge :oD
P.S. Were you in the city or not?

Gandalf said...

No I wasint in the city:)I hate the city it makes me feel BLLLLAAAAAAAAAA. Thare needs to be a forst or an 4-H senter or a farm or the FFA nere by for me to be normil. what ever that is : )

Beth said...

you went to new york city? GASP! did you go to central park? did you see any bird kids? that would have been sooooooo cool!!!

Gandalf said...

No I was not in the city didnt you read how much I hate the city
despite the brid kids!!!!!!!!!